Daily DLP: How The Detroit Lions Can Stop The Baltimore Ravens Offense – Detroit Lions Podcast

Daily DLP: How The Detroit Lions Can Stop The Baltimore Ravens Offense

Today Ash Thompson is previewing what the Detroit Lions can expect from the Baltimore Ravens defense. Lamar Jackson is front and center as the most dangerous man on the field.

However, the Ravens have added many other weapons and diversified their attack style to try and take their offense to the next level. Luckily the things they like to accomplish have been things that the Lions defense has been quite good at stopping.

Detroit Lions Podcast Daily Lions Coverage

The St. Jude Charity drive has opened, and Ash Thompson has decided that his sweater shtick isn’t going to cut it in the warmer climate. He is opening it up to the fans of the show, to see what terrible thing they want to see him go through on the Detroit Lions 24 hour St Jude Charity podcast. But to find out how you can have your say, you have to watch.

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About the Author

Chris is the founder of everything you see here. A former radio presenter and Detroit native, he now resides in sunny California – and like so many of us, he found himself marooned on an island devoid of other Lions fans. After spending a few years in the Detroit Lions Reddit community he decided to start the Detroit Lions Podcast. Its become the #1 Detroit Lions podcast, and regularly ranks with the top podcasts in Detroit. With a mixture of pre-recorded shows, live & recorded phone-ins, and live post-game broadcasts - this is his slice of Honolulu Blue heaven.