Detroit Lions May OTA Report
The Detroit Lions are on the field for OTAs and its the first open practice of 2023 OTAs and Jeff Risdon of the Detroit Lions Podcast was there to witness the entirety of the open session. In this video he covers everything he saw and heard on the Detroit Lions practice field in Allen Park.
Detroit Lions Podcast Ongoing Credentialed Coverage
One of the first big stories broke when Detroit Lions coach Dan Campbell came out wearing a “Danception” shirt like we have available here. Keep your eyes out for a number of other players wearing gear from the Detroit Lions Podcast merch store over the course of practices this week.
Levi Onwuzurike is making slow progress, and is being given every opportunity to show that he’s healed and can play again. Riz provides his observations on where Levi looks in his recovery and what he expects to see in the 2023 Detroit Lions season. Jack Campbell gets some coverage as does Tom Kennedy’s reps against him. Interesting to see where the rookies are this far into their start in the NFL.
The signing of Riley Patterson gets coverage, as does Jameson Williams performance. Short version – questions remain. Of course Riz discusses Jared Goff’s performance and a whole lot more.
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