[422] Detroit Lions Roster Cut To 53 – Detroit Lions Podcast

This week Chris and Jeff get together to discuss the latest from the Detroit Lions preseason and Hard Knocks. The Detroit Lions just faced one of the most difficult days of the year for a front office that actually cares about its players. The Lions cut their roster down to the NFL mandated 53 players as well as assembled their practice squad of reserve players.

Detroit Lions Podcast First Look At The 2022 Roster

Across the league, over 850 players were notified that their dream of playing football in the NFL was likely over. Some will find a place on other teams, most will find that they’ve come to the end of their playing career. Its a difficult day for many, and for Lions fans, having seen many of their team’s players up close on Hard Knocks this year, its just that much more difficult. The Detroit Lions have selected the 53 players that will lead their team into battle this year, we’ll provide our first look and share our thoughts.

We’ll also discuss this week’s episode of Hard Knocks, what to look for next from the Detroit Lions, and key things to watch between now and the Lions opening game against the Philadelphia Eagles. Buckle up, it’s going to be a big show!

Speaking of “buckle up”, make sure to head over to our project with Detroit Lions shutdown cornerback Jerry Jacobs to help charities in Detroit. Its a great opportunity to get some great gear and make a difference in the city we all love.

Check Out Our Updated Look On YouTube!

We’ve launched a new series starring a number of talented personalities you’ve seen on our shows at various times. Its new, and exciting, something I think everyone is going to enjoy. We’ve assembled a great team to deliver on this promise, so please be sure to check out the channel for frequent, new content.  You can find it all by clicking here.

Also, if you prefer the video version of the podcast, check out the Detroit Lions Podcast YouTube Channel here. Don’t miss our videos of Dean Blandino trying to find redemption in Detroit, the “Suite Life” from the 2019 Detroit Lions / Dallas Cowboys game, and more great content! We’ve also added a new YouTube Channel with shorter clips of the show. Meant for those times when you don’t have all the time you need, but want to grab key info while you can. Check out the DLP Clips channel by clicking here.

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About the Author

Chris is the founder of everything you see here. A former radio presenter and Detroit native, he now resides in sunny California – and like so many of us, he found himself marooned on an island devoid of other Lions fans. After spending a few years in the Detroit Lions Reddit community he decided to start the Detroit Lions Podcast. Its become the #1 Detroit Lions podcast, and regularly ranks with the top podcasts in Detroit. With a mixture of pre-recorded shows, live & recorded phone-ins, and live post-game broadcasts - this is his slice of Honolulu Blue heaven.