Check Case’s Skirt! Its Drafty!
In this episode of the Detroit Lions Podcast, Chris and Case realize its drafty and that there are still free agency options available.
In ‘This Week In Reddit’, Case spends some time talking about how “its drafty” up his skirt, and about his schedule analysis. Chris then weighs in on the O-line and where it might stand in relation to last year. We also spend some time discussing Color Rush uniforms, Golden Tate highlights from Sandman.
The guys spend some time lamenting how bad the kicking game got prior to the arrival Matt Prater and after Jason Hanson, but they also realize that just because ‘its drafty’, they don’t need to think about picking kickers (lest the Freese).
Chris and Case are also joined by Brandon Knapp, staff writer for We talk about where he came from, how he got started, and do an analysis of the Lions draft options, particularly at OLB. We also talk about how this might translate to the upcoming NFL draft for our beloved team.
Lastly, we are joined by fan favorite, ‘The Riz’. Jeff Risdon joins us to break down the Detroit Lions’ draft options and do an evaluation between draft expectations vs. potential reality. He also talks about how the rest of the NFCN has done in free agency and talks about how best to spend your time on draft day if you are in the Grand Rapids area (it involves Peppinos Pizza and free drinks on him!).
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