Detroit Lions Podcast: Episode 44
In this episode of the Detroit Lions Podcast, Chris and Case take some time to discuss the retirement of all-time great, Calvin Johnson. We talk about his history, his athleticism, and how much he meant to the franchise. We also take a look forward and predict what this might mean for the organization in the near-term and over the long haul.
We are also joined by the fans’ favorite guest, Jeff Risdon. Chris tries to make a nickname stick, while Case and Jeff just shake their heads. Jeff comes out in his usual fashion to provide clarity around Calvin Johnson’s retirement, what free agency might hold, and shares some great insight about the draft and what it means to this Lions team. As always, Jeff brings great professionalism, insight and intelligence to the conversation. Chris and Case can barely keep up…
Lastly, we speak with Ash Thompson, staff writer for He talks about his background, how a Canadian finds his way to become a Lions fan, and does a great breakdown on his articles, his thinking about the Lions (past, present, and future) and provides a look forward toward the articles he has coming.
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